• Chat and Voice Bot Development

    The future is here. Save time and money by letting the software do the busywork!

Cut costs with cutting-edge AI

Increased self-service is the future of the contact center. By staying current and choosing Covington to help implement and develop intuitive chat and voice bots, your contact center will not only increase in performance, but will boost agent happiness and improve the quality of your data. Additionally, by automating certain tasks you will streamline your customer interactions while allowing your agents to prioritize their time.

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Conversational AI forms the current peak of contact center innovation. It takes self-service to a whole new level, and in doing so sets your company apart in a time where customer retention and growth has never been more difficult.


The time and cost savings that AI can bring to the contact center has already been established. By filtering the needs of your customers by increasing self-service, you help your agents use their time to maximum effect! 


Bot development has never been easier! Covington can easily demo bot solutions for you, and we pride ourselves in the speed of our deployments. We will keep you involved throughout the development process, giving you a complete, customized solution perfectly configured to your specifications and needs.

Introducing Sinch Chatlayer

Chatlayer is Sinch's groundbreaking chat and voice bot solution that can be integrated with any system you currently deploy. Say goodbye to wasted time! See how Chatlayer is the answer to all of your self-service needs.

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Voice Bot Development

Just like businesses, customers value their time and energy. Voice bots will help you meet your customer's demand more efficiently, in addition to helping you control scrutiny in budgetary allocations. Let us help you develop the AI that works best for you!

Empower your Agents

By implementing voice and chat bots into your contact center, you empower your agents to spend their precious time helping the customers who truly need it. Operational efficiency will never be better!